Marketing Automation needs to stop being a NAG.

Sometimes I don't want to complete that purchase right that minute.
Sometimes your cost of delivery was almost the same as the product but I only found that out right at the end.
Sometimes it was an impulse but I decided to control it.
Sometimes I felt like I need to do more research.
Sometimes I received a phone call.
Sometimes your ad was great but the page it led me to had nothing related to the ad.
Sometimes your promo code doesn't work anymore.
Sometimes I have already completed the purchase.
Sometimes you've told me the same thing on 3 other channels already.
Sometimes you are just boring.

What you need to do before you launch hundreds of automation campaigns:
1. Build your brand so that customers know what you stand for
2. Ensure that you understand your customer's journey
3. Understand each segment's behaviour
4. Eliminate breaks and gaps in your data flow
5. Make your communication strategy creative and consistent
6. Address deeper strategic problems such as lack of demand
7. Focus on quality of messaging over quantity
8. Understand how frequently you reach each customer to avoid fatigue
9. Identify the best channels instead of blanket blasting
10. Then create journey workflows.

When you jump to workflows first, you are expecting customers to do your work for you. The customer needs to figure out where to find the information or needs to be sent a feedback survey after every single interaction.

For example, in the quest for providing a superior customer experience, many companies have outsourced the job of ensuring that their employees do their jobs to their customers. There's an obsession with asking customers for feedback. Why constantly place the burden of rating the employee's performance on the customer? Data is critical but blind collection of data with no discernible difference to a customer is meaningless.

Focus on Customer Experience before nagging!

Thumbnail Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash